“What makes photography a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are light and time.”
- John Berger

I immerse myself in the realm of analog photography in the pursuit of capturing the feeling and timeless beauty of my environment. The entirely mechanical process — the actuation of the shutter, the springs of the mirror, the refracting of the prism, the alchemy of film reacting chemically with the physical light around me — resonates on a profound level, this tangible engagement with the photographic process an integral aspect that fuels my creativity.

This chosen medium is a step away from the instantaneous nature of our technological world, constantly beckoning with instant gratification. Shooting with mechanical cameras and film fosters a sense of stillness and presence in the moment — core themes echoed in my work.

My photographic process requires the deliberate act of slowing down, being attuned to the subtleties of light, place, and technique. I invite viewers into a visual meditation where they can experience narratives of tranquility, beauty, perhaps a touch of melancholy; an otherwise rushing world, momentarily halted in time.

ray [at] rayemilio [dot] com


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